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第四课:第二变格法的中性名词、形容词、Sum的现在时以及主系表WHEELOCK'S LATIN 7E 第4课 语法要点
nom. 主格 | gen. 属格 | dat. 与格 (间接宾语,人) | acc. 宾格 (直接宾语,物) | abl. 夺格 | |
sin. | -us/-er | -i | -o | -um | -o |
pl. | -i | -orum | -is | -os | -is |
nom. 主格 | gen. 属格 | dat. 与格 (间接宾语,人) | acc. 宾格 (直接宾语,物) | abl. 夺格 | |
sin. | -um | -i | -o | -um | -o |
pl. | -a | -orum | -is | -a | -is |
nom. | gen. | dat. | acc. | abl. | |||||||||||
性 | 阴性 | 阳性 | 中性 | 阴性 | 阳性 | 中性 | 阴性 | 阳性 | 中性 | 阴性 | 阳性 | 中性 | 阴性 | 阳性 | 中性 |
sin. | -a | -us | -um | -ae | -i | -ae | -o | -am | -um | -a | -o | ||||
pl. | -ae | -i | -a | -arum | -orum | -is | -as | -os | -a | -is |
现在不定式 | 现在直陈式 | |||||
人称 | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
sin. | esse | sum | es | est | ||
pl. | sumus | estis | sunt |
Vergil is the friend of Augustus.
可以看出,这句话中的表语“the friend of Augustus”就是主语“Vergil”的等价词。当然,表语并非同位语,它与同位语最大的不同就在于,表语和主语之间有一个系动词,这个词在英语中就是is等系动词,在拉丁语中同样也是sum等系动词:
Vergilius est amieus Augusti.
这类“主系表”结构,因系动词并没有实义,只是主语和表语的联系纽带,从而被称为 “谓语性名词” 的谓语主格结构。
在上面的句子中,你可以认为是表语做了实质上的谓语,而表语除了可以是名词,也可以是形容词,也就是我们这里说的 “谓语形容词”。
WHEELOCK'S LATIN 7E 第4课 课后翻译及注解
Otium est bonum, sed otium multorum est parvum.
- 聚焦问题:①表语的性数格与主语一致;②形容词用作名词。
- Otium: n, sin, nom. → leisure
- est: 3rd personal sin. → is
- bonum: n, sin, nom. → good(形容词做表语,性数格保持与主语一致)
- sed: but
- multorum: pl, gen. → of many (people) (形容词multorum的典型用法就是用作名词)
- parvum: n, sin, nom. → little(形容词做表语,性数格保持与主语一致)
- 翻译:Leisure is good, but leisure of many people is little. 休息是好的,但广大人民的休息是不足的。
Bella sunt mala et multa pericula habent. ????
- Bella: n, pl, nom. → wars
- sunt: 3rd personal pl. → (they) are
- mala: n, pl, nom. → bad
- et: and
- multa pericula: n, pl, nom. → many dangers
- habent: 3rd personal pl. → (they) have
- 翻译:Wars are bad, and they have many dangers. 战争是不好的,它们蕴含着许多危险。
Officium nautam de otio hodie vocat.
- Officium: n, sin, nom. → duty
- nautam: f, sin, acc. → sailor
- de: prep. → from
- otio: n, sin, abl. → leisure
- hodie: ad. → today
- vocat: 3rd personal sin. → calls
- 翻译:Duty calls the sailor from leisure today. 水手该从今日的闲暇中动身,开始工作了。
Pauci viri multas formas periculi in pecunia vident - non debemus esse avari!
- Pauci viri: m, pl, nom. → a few men
- multas formas: f, pl, acc. → many forms
- periculi: n, sin, gen. → of danger
- in pecunia: f, sin, abl. → in money
- vident: 3rd personal pl. → see
- non debemus: 1st personal pl. → we should not
- esse: infinite → to be
- avari: m, pl, nom. → greedy
- 翻译:A few men see many forms of danger in money - we should not be greedy! 鲜有人能察觉金钱背后蕴藏的危险——(这警醒我们)做人不能贪婪!
Si multam pecuniam habetis, saepe non estis sine curis.
- Si: conj. → if
- multam pecuniam: f, sin, acc. → much money
- habetis: 2nd personal pl. → you possess
- saepe: often
- non estis: 2nd personal pl. → you are
- sine: prep. → without
- curis: f, pl, abl. → anxiety
- 翻译:If you possess much money, you will often be without anxiety. 若你手握着大笔钱财,你不可能免于焦虑。
Puellae magistram de consilio malo sine mora monent.
- Puellae: f, pl, nom. → girls
- magistram: f, sin, acc. → master / mistress
- de consilio malo: n, pl, abl. → about bad plan
- sine mora: f, sin, abl. → without delay
- monent: 3rd personal pl. → (they) remind
- 翻译:The girls remind the mistress about the bad plan without delay. 那些女孩毫不犹豫地提醒女主管那个坏计划。
O magne poeta, sumus veri amici; me iuva, amabo te!
- O magne poeta: f, sin, voc. → O great poet
- sumus: 1st personal pl. → (we) are
- veri amici: m, pl, nom. → true friends
- iuva: imperative → help
- 翻译:O great poet, we are true friends; help me please! 哦,伟大的诗人,我们是真正的朋友;请帮帮我!
Femina agricolae portam videt.
- 翻译:The farmer's wife sees the gate. 那农民的妻子看到了大门。
Fortuna caeca est.
- Fortuna caeca: f, sin, nom. → blind fortune
- est: 3rd personal sin. → is
- 翻译:Fortune is blind. 命运无常。
Si pericula sunt vera, infortunatus es.
- Si: conj. → if
- pericula: n, pl, nom. → dangers
- sunt: 3rd personal pl. → (they) are
- vera: 表语,性数格与pericula一致→n, pl, nom. → true
- infortunatus: 表语→m, sin, nom. → unfortunate
- es: 2nd personal sin. → you are
- 翻译:If the dangers are true, you will be unfortunate. 若那些危险属实,你将是不幸的。
Salve, O amice, vir bonus es.
- Salve: interj. → Hello
- O amice: m, sin, voc. → O friend
- vir bonus: m, sin, nom. → a good man.
- es: 2nd personal sin. → you are
- 翻译:Hello! O friend, you are a good man. 嗨!朋友,你真好。
Non bella est fama filii tui.
Non bella:
- 初步判断是n, pl, nom. → no wars
- 但这样句子中就出现了两个主格,于是推断bella为形容词,这里放在句首表示强调,修饰fama:f, sin, nom. → not charming
- est: 3rd personal sin. → is
- fama: f, sin, nom. → fame, reputation
- filii tui: m, sin, gen. → of your (a) son
- 翻译:The reputation of your son is not charming. 你儿子的名声不好。
Errare est humanum.
- Errare: infinite → to err, to make a mistake
- est: 3rd personal sin. → is
- humanum: n, sin, nom. → human (adj.)
- 翻译:To err is human. 人总会犯错。/人无完人。/犯错为人之天性。
Nihil est omnino beatum.
- Nihil: n, sin, nom. → nothing
- est: 3rd personal sin. → is
- omnino: ad. → wholly
- beatum: 表语→ n, sin, nom. → happy, fortunate
- 翻译:Nothing is wholly fortunate. 事无尽美。
Remedium irae est mora.
- Remedium: n, sin, nom. → cure
- irae: f, sin, gen. → of anger, of ire
- est: 3rd personal sin. → is
- mora: 表语→ f, sin, nom. → delay
- 翻译:Cure of anger (or "for anger") is delay. 治疗愤怒的方法是拖延。(时间会冲淡愤怒。)
Bonus Daphnis amicus meus, otium et vitam agricolae amat.
- Bonus Daphnis: Good Daphnis (a person's name)
amicus meus: m, sin, nom. → my friend
- 这里是Daphnis的同位语。
otium: n, sin, acc. → leisure
- Q:这里为什么不是主格nom?
- A:
- vitam: f, sin, acc. → life
- agricolae: m, sin, gen. → farmer's
- amat: 3rd personal sin. → loves
- 翻译:Good Daphnis, my friend, loves leisure and farmer's life. 好达芙妮,我的朋友,喜欢休闲和农民的生活。
Magistri parvis pueris crustula et dona saepe dant.
- Magistri: m, pl, nom. → schoolmasters
- parvis pueris: m, pl, dat. → little boys
- crustula: n, pl, acc. → cookies
- dona: n, pl, acc. → gifts
- dant: 3rd personal pl. → (they) give
- 翻译:Schoolmasters often give the little boys gifts and cookies. 老师们经常给小男孩们礼物和曲奇(作为认真听课的奖励)。
Amicam meam magis quam oculos meos amo.
- Amicam meam: f, sin, acc. → my (girl)friend
- magis quam: ad. → more than
- oculos meos: m, pl, acc. → my eyes
- amo: 1st personal sin. → I love
- 翻译:I love my friend more than my eyes. 我爱我的朋友胜过自己的眼睛(我与朋友情同手足。)
Salve, mea bella puella - da mihi multa basia, amabo te!
- mea bella puella: f, sin, nom. → my pretty girl
- da: imperative → give
- mihi: (dat.) to me
- multa basia: n, pl, acc. → many kisses
- 翻译:Hi, my pretty girl - please give me many kisses! 嗨,我美丽的女孩——请多亲亲我!
Infinitus est numerus stultorum.
- Infinitus: m, sin, nom. → infinity
- est: 3rd personal sin. → is
- numerus: 表语→ m, sin, nom. → number
- stultorum: n, pl, gen. → fools' / of fools
- 翻译:Infinity is the number of fools. 世上的蠢人无限多。
Officium me vocat.
- 翻译:Duty calls me. 使命在召唤。
Mali sunt in nostro numero et de exitio bonorum virorum cogitant. Bonos adiuvate; conservate populum Romanum.
Clause 1:
- Mali: m, pl, nom. → the evils (形容词作名词)
- sunt: 3rd personal pl. → (they) are
- in nostro numero: m, sin, abl. → in our number
Clause 2: (et...)
- de exitio: n, sin, abl. → about destruction
- bonorum virorum: m, pl, gen. → of good men
- cogitant: 3rd personal pl. → (they) think
Clause 3:
- Bonos: m, pl, acc. → the good (men) (形容词作名词)
- adiuvate: imperative → help
Clause 4:
- conservate: imperative → conserve
- populum Romanum: m, sin, acc. → Roman people
- 翻译:The evils are in our number (midst us), and they think about the destruction of good men. Help the good men; conserve the Roman people. 我们中出了叛徒,他们总想着要毁坏好人(的生活)。(请你)帮帮他们,并拯救罗马的人民。
Pauci viri veros amicos habent, et pauci sunt digni.
- Few men have true friends, and few (men) are deserving (worthy).
- 鲜有人拥有真正的朋友,并且也鲜有人值得有。
Amicitia vera est praeclara, et omnia praeclara sunt rara.
- True friendship is splendid, and all splendid things are rare.
- 真正的友谊是耀眼的,而所有耀眼的事都是鲜有的。
Multi viri stulti de pecunia semper cogitant, pauci de amicis; sed errant: possumus valere sine multa pecunia, sed sine amicitia non valemus et vita est nihil.
- Many foolish men always think (are constantly thinking) about money, few (men think) about friends; but they are wrong (are making a mistake): we are able to (can) fare well (flourish) without money, but without friendship we do not fare well and life is nothing.
- 许多愚蠢的人总是想着钱,很少有人想着朋友;但他们错了(正在犯一个错误):没有钱,我们可以过得很好,但没有友谊,我们就过得不好,生活就什么都不是。